I feel that it’s apropos that I was contacted by a startup to see about my next novel. I work for and mentor startups all the time!

But where could one change the publishing industry? As it happens, I’ve been having a hard time getting an agent to represent my novel because finding the agent that not only takes my genre, but my subgenre has been a needle in the haystack exercise.

Publishizer is a startup out of California. Think of it as a Kickstarter type crowdfunding, but also a Tender for authors/publishers. The more books that are presold, the more publishers get connected with the author.

One time I spoke directly to a publisher. I was at a writer’s conference and asked a stranger in the lobby if I could practice my book pitch on her.

“Sure!” She said happily.

I started off, “Leslie Kicklighter and a group of tourists are stranded in the Amazon by a recently awakened Inca god. They’ll have to make it back to civilization on foot past bandits hired to kill them, villagers who think they are out for their land, a banana plantation owner with a secret to keep, and drunken monkeys. All the while hoping that the god doesn’t want any more from them.”

She turned more toward me, “I love that. Is it young adult? If so, I’d be interested. I’m a publisher.”

My first thought was, Holy Cow, someone likes it! But it wasn’t young adult, so I looked forward to my time later in the day when I could talk to agents.

What I heard from the agents at this thriller conference was that either they didn’t want something with a supernatural element or they didn’t take on novels with a strong female lead.


When I was contacted by Publishizer, I jumped at the chance to try this different venue to connect with publishers. I would not suggest this for writers who don’t have experience with crowdfunding, because it’s a lot of hours of marketing to get it going.

Do I know where this will lead? Nope. But I don’t mind taking chances and seeing where unknown roads lead!

If you want to check out the campaign and see the bonuses only available until Feb 28, go to: https://publishizer.com/toy-of-the-gods/

If you are interested in reading the first two chapters, they’re available on my blog here: https://sonjadewing.com//toy-of-the-gods-chapter-one/

FYI: The cover was designed by the brilliant graphic designer Leslie Reilly (no relation to Leslie Kicklighter).

I’m Sonja Dewing. I’m published author of  Toy of the Gods and other stories available on Amazon and I’m always seeking adventure. I’m a Social Media Manager and consult with writers on creativity and social media.

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