From 1-30-2022 to 2-7-22, sign up for your chance to get a free ebook copy of 5-star rated mystery novel Gamble of the gods.
This mystery novel is brilliantly written, with compelling characters and a dynamic, action-filled plot.
AJ Bluehorse, a software developer who’s inherited powers from an Inca god, never counted on having to solve a murder on the Navajo reservation. If she doesn’t find the malevolent skinwalker soon, she might be the next victim and the old gods will have to find someone else to save the world.
AJ must face many things that she’s not ready for, her family she left behind when she moved to New York, controlling her powers of fire without burning down the world, and learning to be a woman sleuth as well as a hero.
Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gamble of the Gods
by Sonja Dewing
Giveaway ends February 09, 2022.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway